32,00 €
Din order kan levereras på följande sätt.
Obs! Ny utgåva!
Carcassonne är utan att överdriva ett av 2000-talets viktigaste spel. Det har getts ut på några dussin olika språk, och har sålts i flera miljoner exemplar runt om i världen. I Finland vann spelet genast då det gavs ut (2004) Vuoden Peli priset. Samma sak hände även i flera andra länder.
Carcassonne har gjort sig förtjänt av en plats i varje spelentusiasts spelsamling. Till spelet finns en myriad olika slags tilläggsdelar (som naturligtvis kräver ett exemplar av grundspelet) och syskonspel. I den finska utgåvan följer dessutom en miniexpansionsdel med, " Joki" ("Floden") som inkluderats för att fira de olika priserna som spelet vunnit.
Spelet spelas med fyrkantiga brickor, som representerar staden Carcassonnes omnejd med allt som det innebär; vägar, fält, kloster och stadsmurar. Under spelets gång placeras brickorna så att de bildar enhetliga helheter. Dessutom spelar man även ut små träfigurer, " meeples " på engelska, som symboliserar människorna i staden med omnejd, och rollerna de spelar. Om de placeras i städerna är de riddare, i kloster blir de munkar, osv. Spelarna får sedan poäng utgående från hur stora städer eller hur långa vägar de lyckas bygga, osv. I slutet finns även en sista poängrunda, så spelet hålls intressant ända till slutet.
Att spela ut de olika brickorna är busenkelt; vem som helst förstår snabbt hur de olika brickorna passar ihop och hur de skall placeras för att bilda en helhet. Poängräkningen lär man sig också utan större problem, och de strategiska elementen i spelet torde uppenbara sig redan under de första spelomgångarna. De olika brickorna, som dras på måfå, ser till att spelet känns fräscht även efter de första tio omgångarna, och spelet har även därför en väldigt lång livslängd. Blir man dock trött på spelet, så finns det dessutom massvis med tilläggsdelar att förgylla spelupplevelsen med.
!!!OBS! Med spelet följer endast ett finskspråkigt regelhäfte!!!!
Purchasing from lautapelit.fi on-line store doesn't require for you to register as lautapelit.fi user. Registering will make your future purchases more convenient and makes it easier for us to provide customer service.
You can find your shopping cart with the current total of your purchases on right-hand side of every page. Hovering your mouse over the “shoppingcart” word will show you the contents of your cart and clicking on “shoppingcart” will take you to a page with detailed view of your current shopping cart contents.
Adding items to your shopping cart is done by clicking “Buy Now” button next to the product you wish to purchase. This will open a window which lets you define how many units of this product you wish to add to your cart. Clicking “Buy” will add the products and move you to checkout. If you wish to continue your shopping, remove the check mark from “Continue automatically to the shoppingcart” before confirming the number of items you wish to add to your cart. You can also continue shopping from checkout page.
When you wish to make your purchase, click on the “shoppingcart” button on right-hand side of the page to move to checkout. On this page you can verify the contents of your cart and remove items from it. You can also clear the contents of your whole cart from here.
If you haven't registered as a user, you'll be asked to fill in your contact details now. Fields marked with star are compulsory for completing your purchase. If you are a registered user, your details will be saved during your first purchase. After this on your future purchases, these details will be filled in automatically. Should your saved details have changed or you discover error in them, you can correct them at this point.
After filling in your details you can select the method of payment. Available methods are most Finnish on-line banks and Luottokunta credit cards (Visa/MasterCard).
After verifying the products you wish to purchase, filling in contact details and selecting the payment method, click the cash register button. This will transfer you to the payment system of your bank or credit card company for completing your purchase. Please make sure you return the our site from link provided by your bank after making your payment. Otherwise information about your payment will take long time to reach us.
You'll receive confirmation of your order via email within 10 minutes. If you do not receive a confirmation, please contact our customer service.
If you have any questions about your order, please call us. You'll find our contact details behind the “contact details” link.
Your order will be shipped at the latest during the following workday. If any of the items you ordered is temporarily out of stock, we'll contact you immediately via email. Your order will be shipped to your area's post office. Shipping rates are 3,90 euros for orders under 60,00 euros. Orders with total of 60,00 euros or more will be delivered with free shipping. Your shipment will include a packaging list which will be your receipt and act as possible proof of warranty.
When your order is handled, you will receive a tracking number by e-mail to the address you provided when you made the purchase. The tracking number allows you to follow the shipping procedure, as well as pick up the parcel once it has arrived at the post office. If you receive no such number, we encourage you to check the settings and the spam filter on your e-mail provider. The Postal service will also send you a notification slip when your parcel is ready for pick-up, but years of experience makes us recommend you not to solely rely on this.
If you wish to have your order delivered to a different address from your receipt, you'll be charged 2,90 euros extra for the handling.
Above rates and policies apply only to orders delivered in Finland . If you choose a delivery address into a country other than Finland, the system will automatically add the shipping cost based on your choice of delivery method.
Problems and returns
Our main goals will always be happy customers and a well-working customer service, and we daily strive to do our very best in regards to these goals. Unfortunately, sometimes things don't always go according to the plan. But that's no reason to panic. Our customer service will give you professional and swift assistance, also in less pleasant matters, such as missing shipments, faulty products, returns, and other sudden problems.
Shipping problems
Has your shipment been delayed or gone missing?
Please contact our customer service at info@lautapelit.fi, or by phone; +3589-622 5560, and we'll track down your goods .
Are you not happy with your purchase?
The Finnish Consumer protection laws guarantee a 14-day period of returns for products bought from a web store. See our instructions for Returns and refunds.